Housebot Rendering Mapbox & Video feeds

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Housebot Rendering Mapbox & Video feeds

Post by TonyG »

Hi Scott,

Hoping you're well. I haven't logged on to the Housebot website for a while, and I see you've been busy! I'm looking forward to see what can be done with the new Kodi update and Node-Red integration (looks really interesting).

Beleiving everything to be possible, I'm interested to know if there is a way to render (if that is the right expression) Mapbox into a Housebot remote display? Thinking their web-based GL JS app looks best aligned for a Windows 10 remote? - and they have an SDK for Android using GLSurfaceView. More detail: ... 1722ac1837

If not Mapbox, perhaps a means to embed a google map?

I'm also interested to know how people embed their home-based security video feeds - would it be possible to define a display box (position,size,source). I guess the issue is handling the various remote clients - DirectShow for windows, and equivalent for Android etc

Both questions are both display/graphics/rendering related - moving away somewhat from displaying properties - which Housebot does so well from many sources. If application specific integration is beyond scope (and would understand why), is their a generic, web/browser-based approach to these kind of requirements that could work?


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Re: Housebot Rendering Mapbox & Video feeds

Post by ScottBot »


I haven't checked out the Kodi update, so hopefully everything still works fine. I think Node-RED is a great addition that can help fill in many areas that HouseBot doesn't directly address.

I know people have done some pseudo-mapping in the remotes by using server based scripts and image creation. Then the images are setup as dynamic images on the remote and will change with the map (or webcam feed) from the server. It's a clever, although difficult, method to achieve some of these goals.

I think that a way to embed a browser window in a remote would be a good generic way to achieve a number of these types of things. I haven't given it too much thought though, but it's something that I could consider for a future release. Not 100% sure it would solve your challenge, but if you could set the URL and HTML as properties, It should be pretty flexible.
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Re: Housebot Rendering Mapbox & Video feeds

Post by TonyG »

Thanks Scott,

I've done a couple of things using dynamic images and will see how far I can take them, given other peoples success.

I think I could do quite a bit with a browser window, and would be interested to follow or pilot any development. Agreed it would need a few properties, including those to define the frames position and size.

Thanks again for your response.
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